StoryLine K-5 Curriculum

Storyline K-5 curriculum is designed for use in a variety of church-based Christian education programs. The overarching goal of the curriculum is to help all kids find their place in God’s story. We want to help every child, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, age or ability to see themselves as uniquely and wonderfully created in God’s image for a purpose larger than themselves. Lessons are designed to nurture humility toward and mutual respect for the community of creation as children see how their own story and wellbeing is connected to the stories and wellbeing of many others. Through learning about Jesus as healer and reconciler in a safe and loving environment, we trust that children will be led by the Holy Spirit into meaningful actions oriented toward justice and shalom in their communities.
The sequencing of the lessons lays a foundation for understanding God, self, other people and the natural world through the biblical creation stories. Building on this foundation, selected stories from the Old Testament help to establish the character and trustworthiness of God and the diversity of people and circumstances through which God works while also emphasizing that the Christian’s story is deeply connected to Israel’s story. These core understandings about Creation and Israel allow Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection to be placed in a specific context, which helps to reveal how Jesus is God’s plan of salvation for all people and a path/model for the healing and reconciliation of the whole world. All of this leads to a vision of church as those who participate collectively in Christ’s work of healing and reconciliation through the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit.
Key Features
Jesus wasn’t joking when he said that we need to become like children to enter the Kingdom of God. Children, made in the image of God and filled with the Spirit of God, have much to teach adults about the world, faith, and spirituality. That is why the StoryLine curriculum is designed for co-learning between children and adults. Each lesson starts with Weekly Wondering – a question that will spark discussion and leads into the Bible story. Other questions are integrated to guide discussion around the topic for the day. Instead of assuming that adults have all the answers to give to children, we want to build a community of learning that respects the knowledge and understanding of children, and the importance of asking questions, wondering, discussing and listening for all of our faith journeys.
Each StoryLine lesson starts with an exploration activity to engage a child’s senses in a way that will help them to personally connect with the Bible story. The activities provide a concrete sensory experience to ground the stories of the Bible – stories that can often feel other worldly and abstract – in real life places and experiences to which children can relate. We encourage the exploration to continue at home by including a weekly parent handout with simple activities that parents and caregivers can do with their children.
StoryLine Curriculum is designed as a spiral curriculum. It moves children through the biblical story in a developmentally appropriate progression that helps kids grasp abstract and complex ideas and practices of the Christian faith. It utilizes the same scope & sequence from year to year, recognizing the need for repeated encounters with key theological concepts. Over the preK-6th journey, foundational stories and lessons become more familiar and memorable, making space for deeper and more complex conversation and engagement.